Limerence and Its Effects on Married Couples (complete guide)

How Limerence Impacts Married Couples

Welcome to our in-depth guide on limerence and its effects on the married. If you’re looking for insight into intense emotions in marriage, this is for you. We’ll explore limerence, a psychological force that can greatly impact married life. Limerence and marriage mix in complicated ways, affecting both partners and the relationship. By learning about … Read more

Can Limerence Cause Depression? (to any of the people involved)

can limerence cause depression

Limerence is like falling deeply in love with someone to an obsessive level. This obsession can lead to intrusive thoughts and needing that person’s attention so much that you feel sad without it. It’s often intense and exciting but can harm your mental well-being, potentially leading to depression. Key Takeaways Limerence is a complex emotional … Read more