When Your Spouse is in Limerence – Should You Wait or Leave?

Should You Wait for Your Limerent Spouse to Come Back?

Having a spouse deep in limerence is really hard. Limerence is when someone loves another intensely and obsessively. If your spouse is the one in limerence, it can be devastating. We know limerence always ends, but sometimes it can last for years. So should you wait for your limerent spouse to come back or leave? … Read more

Are All Affairs Limerence? Uncovering the Truth

are all affairs limerence

Exploring the complex world of relationships, I’ve been pondering a key question. Are all affairs driven by intense emotional states like limerence? This idea of being deeply attached, infatuated, and obsessed in love is fascinating. It sparks many discussions. I aim to distinguish between limerence and true love. This will highlight the roles of unreturned … Read more